Pilotage is a mandatory high level public service, strictly regulated by the State, related to maritime safety, efficiency and protection of the environment.The pilots are specialists who assist the captains of the vessels in ports and their approaches by bringing them not only independent knowledge of the local maritime conditions and operational practices but also their daily extensive experience of navigating ships in restricted waters.They optimize thus, in an efficient way, the traffic flow and the operation of port facilities while ensuring the control of risks inherent in sailing ships in sensitive coastal areas.
primo piano
La cena di Natale e le medaglie
12 mesi ago
Giorni di ringraziamenti e di bentornata.
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Intervista al com.te Marino Biancotti
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Buon pensionamento, Nilo.
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Primo scalo mondiale per la Eco Valencia
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FSRU Toscana, centesimo allibo.
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Accogliendo la Moby Zaza
4 anni ago